Building a school in Tanzania

Summary of Project

The charity project we are currently donating to will help build a school for 100 children in Tanzania. Progress updates/photos are given from the charity periodically. Check the project update page to the latest.

Children in Kiruru village have to walk 10 miles every day to attend the nearest primary school. They are regularly attacked by wild animals and last year 3 were washed away in the Terat river in which they have to cross to get to the current school. The village has been trying to build their own school for the past 2 years. This project will help them finish it, and build accommodation for the teachers. Parents will be more willing to let kids go to school if it is near, so more of Kiruru's children will be able to go to school, and remain safe. 


This project will help the community finish the construction of their school and teacher accommodation. Parents will be more willing to send their children to school without the worries about safety, and the children will be spared 3 hours of walking every day, which can be spent doing homework, playing or helping their parents instead. Children from neighboring communities will also be able to use this school. 

Long term impact

This school will provide education to more than 100 children in Kiruru sub-village and neighboring communities on an ongoing basis. Parents will have little reason not to send their children to school any more, so the educational level of the whole community will increase. This will lead to increased incomes and opportunities in the community, as well as less obvious impacts such as children being more able to help parents by, for example, reading labels and instructions on veterinary medicines.

How this charity project is supported

A portion of each bag of coffee purchased is sent to support this project! Join our Beans coffee & charity club to contribute to this project ongoing and enjoy coffee delivered to you weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.  

If you would like to donate to this cause directly, you can do so on their donation page.

Thank you for supporting our cause,

Worldwide Beans